Masking Tape Shoe

This project was our first project in the class and we had to create two shoes out of masking tape, using one of our own shoes as a reference. I decided to use my pair of Adidas shoes. The first shoe was really hard for me as far as figuring out the shapes I needed to create as well as taking into account any negative space I needed to show. The second shoe was much easier for me and took less time because I knew how to achieve the platform and basic shape of the shoe. The hardest part of this for me was the top of the shoe where its rounded at the ends. To get that shape I had to ball up a lot of  tape and shove it in the top of the shoe to get it to be rounded. My favorite part of the project was doing the bottom of the shoe. To get the exact details from my original shoe, I put tape on the bottom of my shoe, and pressed this tool very gently over the tape so it wouldn't make holes, but just enough to wear it would indent the detailing onto the tape. The I removed the tape from my original shoe and placed it on the bottom of the shoe I made out of tape.


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